Amazon icon

Tom Rausner tom at
Mon Oct 7 16:37:48 UTC 2013

Den 07-10-2013 18:27, Colin Law skrev:

> I am guessing somewhat (as I hate web apps in the launcher) but if, in 
> a termal you run ls .local/share/applications do you see something 
> that looks like the amazon launcher (it will be something.desktop)? If 
> so then run gedit .local/share/applications/whatever_it_is.desktop 
> probably fairly obviously in there will be, change it to 
> and save it. If you find the desktop file but can't make sense 
> of the contents post it here. Colin 

OK. Thanks.

*Tom Rausner*

tom at

If one person thinks he's a monkey, it's called insanity.
If a billion persons think they are monkeys, it's called Evolution.

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