Novice query: Installation Help

Paul Cartwright pbcartwright at
Thu Oct 3 11:22:31 UTC 2013

On 10/02/2013 03:25 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
>> I just did a 12.04 install ( wiping out a Windows Vista install -0)
>> and I don't remember LVM being on it.. I did just take the defaults and
>> let it use the entire disk.. I wanted to be SURE to wipe out vista. So
>> we just gained a new Linux Ubuntu user!!
> YAY! Congrats! Ric 
and I checked on him yesterday, his dad said the laptop is doing fine..
and I quote:

It's doing great, all programs are running a lot faster.
Thanks again,

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux User #367800 and new counter #561587

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