Novice query: Installation Help
Liam Proven
lproven at
Wed Oct 2 19:45:31 UTC 2013
On 2 October 2013 19:59, James Freer < at> wrote:
> Yet
> what i have found is that it retains all the detritis for a new
> install i.e. all the .files for apps one has installed and then
> removed - which is what one doesn't want on a new install.
Yes it does. I see that as a benefit - it means when you install the
new system, *if* and only if you use the same username, then you get
all your settings just how you left them. You just have to reinstall
any additional apps.
But if you want a clean break, just pick a new name!
Then you can copy over what data you want to keep & leave all your
settings behind. Simple.
> I was thinking the best approach is to do an install to a 20-30 gb
> partition for the system and the rest as another parition just for
> data. BUT I haven't seen a post to suggest that this is a good idea?
> Then the .files are wiped which is what one wants.
You can do that. Ric M advocates this and he's already explaining how
and why elsewhere.
Liam Proven • Profile:
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