rsync progress

Karl Auer kauer at
Tue Oct 1 15:14:15 UTC 2013

On Tue, 2013-10-01 at 15:40 +0100, Liam Proven wrote:
> I don't think you /can/ install rpm on Ubuntu.

You can; there's a commercial product I install from RPM. But you often
have to tell it to ignore certain things, like missing libraries or
other dependencies that are either not missing (they are just not where
a Red Hat system would have them) or not really needed (because the part
of them that the RPM actually needs is supplied by something that the
RPM doesn't know about).

It's a bit hit and miss though. And you do need to install rpm itself,
of course ("sudo apt-get install rpm").

The developer of the above-,mentioned commercial software has just
started putting out an Ubuntu/Debian package. Yay!

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at

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