Installing source package of a speicified version (the one installed) in Ubuntu

J dreadpiratejeff at
Wed Nov 20 23:18:40 UTC 2013

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 4:55 PM, sktsee <sktseer at> wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Nov 2013 20:29:28 +0200, Kevin Wilson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I no tried on a new machine, on which Ubunutu 13.04 was just installed
>> today.
>> Nothing else was done on this machine. The lxc package is not installed
>> yet.
>> When I  try "apt-get source lxc"
>> I have this result, which shows that it tries to download  lxc
>> 1.0.0~alpha1....
>> There is some networking error. But still , I think that if I will run
>> "apt-get install lxc" it will install lxc 0.9. So what should I do to
>> install lxc -0.9 from source (and not lxc -1.0.0 alpah)?
> You are running into this bug:
> apt-get source ignores default release when source package selected
> As Tom suggested, you should specify the version of the source package
> you want to download, otherwise apt-get simply fetches the highest
> release version of the source package available regardless of what binary
> version is installed or priority of the repository it comes from.
> The following command format works on my machine:
> $ apt-get source lxc=0.9.0-0ubuntu3.7

I don't understand why we're installing/pulling source. The OP was
originally talking about installing the backports version of LXC.

See here:

Does enabling the raring backports and then 'apt-get install
lxc/raring-backports' not work?

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