Getting action on a known, identified, reproducible bug in Saucy

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Nov 18 18:13:08 UTC 2013

On 18 November 2013 16:56, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
> On 18 November 2013 16:22, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>> I think the point about making a new bug report using the method
>> indicated is so that the logs and such like are made available for
>> analysis i the hope of getting further information.  This happens
>> occasionally to me also, I am just waiting for it to happen again then
>> I will report it.
>> Not sure what you mean by "no action in 2 months" as there seems to be
>> quite a lot of activity on them, one was only reported today
> But nothing is crashing or abending. The problem is that the
> network-manager daemon is not responding appropriately to system
> resume, but it is still running. It is visible in nm-applet but
> restarting that does not help. I am guessing it is caused by a kernel
> interaction.
> When I say "no action", the problem has been reported since August. It
> was present before release and still is, unfixed, 2 months later.

I am guessing that it has not been fixed because as yet nobody knows
the exact cause.  Reporting the bug using
ubuntu-bug linux
as requested, will file a bug against the kernel and automatically
upload configuration and logs that may help analyse the problem.  You
cannot complain that it has not been fixed if you do not do what is
asked to help provide additional data.


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