How can I install the new version of Flashplayer in Firefox.

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sun Nov 17 10:51:00 UTC 2013

On 17 November 2013 10:29, Stephen <stephen_o at> wrote:
> I went to plugins in firefox and it told me that flashplayer needed to be
> updated. I clicked on the button to update it now, and it sent me to a web
> site where it could be downloaded.

How did you install the plugin in the first place?  Normally one would
install flashplugin-installer via apt-get or the Software Center and
it would automatically update.

Which version of Ubuntu are you using and what do you see if, in a
terminal, you do
apt-cache policy flashplugin-installer

What is the name and version of the plugin that you see in Firefox
plugins?  On Ubuntu 13.10 32 bit I see
Shockwave Flash 11.2,202,327

Also what version of Firefox is it?


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