Stop it already!

Bahn, Nathan nathan.bahn at
Sun Nov 10 22:18:49 UTC 2013

On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 1:03 PM, chris <chevhq at> wrote:
> On 10/11/13 23:26, Ric Moore wrote:
>> On 11/08/2013 06:39 PM, William Scott Lockwood III wrote:
>>> On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 5:36 PM, Doug <dmcgarrett at> wrote:
>>>> On 11/08/2013 06:27 PM, Tom H wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 10:27 PM, W. Scott Lockwood III
>>>>> <scott at> wrote:
>>>>>> Why is it that people who post about the recent issue with Canonical
>>>> /snip/
>>>> I think that Tom H has got it right. There's too much arguing on the
>>>> mailing lists. And if Ubuntu bugs you--you know who you are--then
>>>> *don't use it!*  There are a couple of hundred Linux distros. Pick
>>>> another one.
>>>> --doug
>>> No. If you don't like that users will be critical of people who make
>>> dick moves in the community, and think dissent should be silenced, I
>>> suggest you pick another distro - OS X might be more to your liking,
>>> or Windows.
>> LOL, I do have to agree that this is technical question, when it relates
>> to the ~behavior~ of my installed software on my machine and my perceived
>> notions of how to improve it. I just bought several items from Amazon
>> tonight. BUT! I have done the knee-jerk and my sharing with Ubuntu a couple
>> of cents from my purchase didn't happen, as I had it turned off.
>> Why not just a simple "CLICK!" and the feature is off, until I KNOW I am
>> about to search for and buy something from Amazon, and CLICK! it's back on,
>> and I willingly allow Ubuntu to make ten cents, as I consider myself to be
>> somewhat "moral" and wish to repay my Gift Debt to Uncle Mark.
>> We are NOT idiots nor fools. Don't treat us as such. I'd like to think
>> that most of us have high foreheads and higher IQ's. Don't whiz on our shoes
>> and say it's raining.
>> Turning on that lens search by default was a boneheaded marketing mistake,
>> plain and simple. And, it IS a tech issue to learn how to turn it off, and
>> then how to make it better. Our non-profit works with convicted criminals.
>> Once the thinking errors are pointed out, the DENIAL starts. Denial, Anger,
>> Bargaining, Depression and finally Acceptance are it's stages. Moderating
>> sure seems like Anger In Action to me, and we still have the last three
>> stages to go. I would suggest just bite the bullet, get into a funk when
>> self-realizations hits that such a horrendous mistake was made, and get to
>> Acceptance fixing it so there is mutual benefit. :) Ric
> +1 and well put

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