Cyberstalking WAS Re: dual booting Ubuntu 13.04 and Windows 7

Linda haniganwork at
Tue May 28 22:30:01 UTC 2013

On 05/28/2013 04:29 PM, Christine Gipson wrote:
> Thank you, but I have done this repeatedly in the last 
> year. Sometimes as many as 6 times in an hour.
> sent from my LG SPECTRUM
>     Warning: I'm no security expert.
>     If you've been doing things to block an intruder and
>     they don't work, it may well be that your software is
>     deeply compromised.  The usual advice in such
>     situations is to COMPLETELY reinstall everything,
>     incorporating those things again as you go.  Use new,
>     strong, non-obvious passwords for everything.   Do not
>     use any password you've ever even thought of using
>     before.  Do not use a password your mother, best
>     friend or soul mate could guess.  A major pain, but it
>     seems you have cause to take extreme measures.
>     Nobody here can advise you about physical attacks, but
>     we can be compassionate and wish you well.
>     -- 
>     Kevin O'Gorman
>     programmer, n. an organism that transmutes caffeine
>     into software.
>     	Please consider the environment before printing this
>     email.
>     --
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I'm sorry there is no way you did 6 clean installs in an 
hour it would take longer than that to format the drive! He 
is talking about reinstalling the operating system including 
reformatting the hard drive and then reinstalling any 
packages you need.

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