Re: Terminal – ls-like command for http directories?

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Sat May 25 14:37:31 UTC 2013

2013/5/25 Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at>:
> 2013/5/25 Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at>:
>> Is this possible?
>> Okay, an example:
>> I have a script that downloads and installs unetbootin to my system. I
>> run the script like this:
>> ./ 583
>> This downloads and ”installs” Unetbootin 5.83, which means it uses
>> wget to download the file, then moves the file to a proper place and
>> finally adds a link to it in ~/bin so I can run it by only typing:
>> unetbootin
>> Now, for this to work, I first need to find out what is the latest
>> version, for instance by looking it up in my web browser. Then I can
>> run my install script.
>> Of course it would be more convenient if the script could find the
>> latest version for me.
>> The latest version (today, 2013-05-25) is:
>> So what I need is a command like:
>> some_ls-like_command
>> ""
>> Then I guess I would have a loop that determines the highest value
>> somehow, but I guess I will figure that part out.
>> That directory currently looks like this:
>> 180/    -       21-Jul-2009 00:18
>> 189/    -       17-Jul-2009 23:46
>> 191/    -       17-Jul-2009 23:46
>> 201/    -       17-Jul-2009 23:46
>> 214/    -       29-Aug-2012 00:37
>> 215/    -       06-Sep-2012 00:38
>> 216/    -       27-Aug-2012 00:37
>> 225/    -       17-Jul-2009 23:46
>> 229/    -       17-Jul-2009 23:46
>> 235/    -       17-Jul-2009 23:46
>> 241/    -       17-Jul-2009 23:46
>> 243/    -       17-Jul-2009 23:46
>> 248/    -       27-Nov-2012 01:18
>> 262/    -       10-Jul-2012 05:27
>> 265/    -       17-Jul-2009 23:46
>> 272/    -       11-Jul-2012 03:42
>> 274/    -       17-Jul-2009 23:46
>> 275/    -       12-Jul-2012 00:43
>> 281/    -       17-Jul-2009 23:46
>> 282/    -       13-Nov-2012 07:35
>> 299/    -       03-Oct-2012 00:35
>> 304/    -       22-Nov-2012 00:43
>> 306/    -       08-Nov-2012 00:39
>> 307/    -       12-Aug-2012 00:37
>> 310/    -       17-Jul-2009 23:46
>> 312/    -       15-Aug-2012 00:41
>> 319/    -       18-Aug-2012 01:04
>> 323/    -       01-Nov-2012 00:21
>> 344/    -       01-Sep-2012 00:37
>> 356/    -       17-Jul-2009 23:46
>> 372/    -       20-Sep-2009 21:22
>> 377/    -       28-Oct-2009 23:21
>> 391/    -       01-Feb-2010 06:07
>> 393/    -       15-Oct-2012 02:13
>> 408/    -       13-Feb-2010 22:20
>> 419/    -       11-Oct-2012 00:40
>> 424/    -       27-Mar-2010 21:10
>> 429/    -       27-Jan-2013 03:04
>> 433/    -       19-Oct-2012 00:35
>> 436/    -       22-Oct-2012 00:30
>> 442/    -       23-Oct-2012 00:29
>> 466/    -       03-Jun-2010 07:11
>> 471/    -       31-Oct-2012 00:22
>> 485/    -       03-Nov-2012 00:25
>> 490/    -       01-Dec-2012 00:25
>> 491/    -       02-Dec-2012 00:56
>> 494/    -       11-Oct-2010 01:04
>> 502/    -       22-Dec-2012 06:28
>> 506/    -       14-Jan-2013 02:11
>> 527/    -       27-Mar-2011 03:29
>> 549/    -       15-Jan-2013 00:23
>> 555/    -       17-Mar-2013 00:48
>> 563/    -       27-Apr-2013 00:18
>> 568/    -       21-May-2013 00:26
>> 575/    -       28-Apr-2012 08:02
>> 577/    -       13-Jul-2012 04:06
>> 578/    -       15-Jul-2012 02:25
>> 581/    -       27-Aug-2012 07:07
>> 583/    -       24-Dec-2012 08:45
>> Custom/
>> Johnny Rosenberg
> Okay, I solved it, I think, see 3.1 in my script:
> #!/bin/sh
> # To do:
> # Some error handling, perhaps?
> # 1. Variables
> UnetbootinPath="${HOME}/Eget/Nerladdat/Verktyg/Boot/Unetbootin"
> OldVersionsPath="${UnetbootinPath}/Gamla versioner"
> NewVersionPath="${UnetbootinPath}/Senaste"
> RunPath="${HOME}/bin"
> DownloadPath=""
> # 1.1. These folders are created by the next wget next command below.
> SourceForgePath="${UnetbootinPath}/"
> ContentsPath="${SourceForgePath}/project/unetbootin"
> # 2. Just doing an unnecessary parameter check…
> if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
>         echo "Alla parametrar ignoreras."
>         echo
> fi
> # 3. Determine the latest version.
> # No error handling at the moment…
> wget -r "${DownloadPath}"
> # 3.1. The HTML file UNetbootin in ${ContentsPath} has been created. It contains
> #      the sub-diectories of ${DownloadPath}. The second to last line represents
> #      the sub-directory for the latest version.
> Version=$(html2text "${ContentsPath}/UNetbootin" | \
>         tail -2 | head -1 | sed -r 's/([0-9]*).*/\1/')
> FileName="unetbootin-linux-${Version}"
> rm -fr "${SourceForgePath}"
> # 3.2. Maybe the latest version is already installed?
> if [ -f "${NewVersionPath}/${FileName}" ]; then
>         echo "Senaste versionen är redan installerad."
>         exit 1
> fi
> # 4. Download the latest version.
> wget "${DownloadPath}/${Version}/${FileName}"
> # 5. Add the run flag to the downloaded file.
> chmod +x "${UnetbootinPath}/${FileName}"
> # 6. Move files to where they belong.
> # 6.1. First, the file in ${NewVersionPath} isn't the newest anymore.
> #      Now, move that file to the path for older versions.
> cd "${NewVersionPath}/"
> mv $(ls | grep "unetbootin-linux") "${OldVersionsPath}/"
> # 6.2. Now, move the downloaded file to ${NewVersionPath}.
> cd "${UnetbootinPath}"
> mv $(ls | grep "unetbootin-linux") "${NewVersionPath}/"
> # 6.3. Create a link to the new file in ${RunPath}.
> cd "${NewVersionPath}/"
> ln -fs $(find "${NewVersionPath}/" | \
>         grep "unetbootin-linux") "${RunPath}/unetbootin"
> cd "${UnetbootinPath}"
> Now, after running this script, the latest version is located in the
> latest version directory and a link to it, called ”unetbootin”, is
> avaliable in ~/bin.
> So I tried to open it by typing ”unetbootin” in a terminal, but it
> failed to open. A password is needed to run unetbootin, and that
> dialogue came up as expected. I entered my password, clicked OK, the
> dialogue disappeared, but then nothing more happened.
> If I type ~/bin/unetbootin, the program runs as expected.
> ~/bin is included in $PATH as the first path, so I shouldn't really
> need to type anything more than just unetbootin.
> I am obviously missing something, right?
> Johnny Rosenberg

I wrote the first version of this script back in 2009, I think, and
now when I looked at it closer, I found some things that I did in an
unnecessary complicated way… I edited that out now, so forget about
the script I sent (which works but is bit ugly). Here's what I should
have sent in the first place:


# To do:
# Some error handling, perhaps?

# 1. Variables
OldVersionsPath="${UnetbootinPath}/Gamla versioner"


# 1.1. These folders are created by the next wget command below.

# 2. Just doing an unnecessary parameter check…
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
	echo "Alla parametrar ignoreras."

# 3. Determine the latest version.
# No error handling at the moment…
wget -r "${DownloadPath}"

# 3.1. The HTML file UNetbootin in ${ContentsPath} has been created. It contains
#      the sub-diectories of ${DownloadPath}. The second to last line represents
#      the sub-directory for the latest version.
Version=$(html2text "${ContentsPath}/UNetbootin" | \
	tail -2 | head -1 | sed -r 's/([0-9]*).*/\1/')
rm -fr "${SourceForgePath}"

# 3.2. Maybe the latest version is already installed?
if [ -f "${NewVersionPath}/${FileName}" ]; then
	echo "Senaste versionen är redan installerad."
	exit 1

# 4. Download the latest version.
wget "${DownloadPath}/${Version}/${FileName}"

# 5. Add the run flag to the downloaded file.
chmod +x "${UnetbootinPath}/${FileName}"

# 6. Move files to where they belong.
# 6.1. First, the file in ${NewVersionPath} isn't the newest anymore.
#      Now, move that file to the path for older versions.
mv "${NewVersionPath}/"* "${OldVersionsPath}/"

# 6.2. Now, move the downloaded file to ${NewVersionPath}.
mv "${UnetbootinPath}/${FileName}" "${NewVersionPath}/"

# 6.3. Create a link to the new file in ${RunPath}.
ln -fs "${NewVersionPath}/${FileName}" "${RunPath}/unetbootin"

Other than this, all suggestions and hints are welcome regarding the
design of this script. Since I created it, I modified it a bit now and
then. I am still at some beginner level, so I appreciate hints if you
find things that isn't done optimally in this script.


Johnny Rosenberg

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