Why does every distribution upgrade remove xscreensaver?

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Sat May 25 06:36:30 UTC 2013

On 24 May 2013 23:11, Barry Premeaux <bpremeaux at gmail.com> wrote:
> ISTR at some point switching gnome-screensaver off in the user
> start-up applications, but I can't remember when.  The package
> descriptions for xscreensaver & gnome-screensaver don't show any
> explicit conflicts between the two.
> I believe it was during the upgrade from 10.04 to ll.04 that the screensaver
> issue arose (might have been the next jump).  When I googled for a solution
> to the problem, the solution was to remove gnome-screensaver and install
> xscreensaver.  I don't know that it is still an issue.  You just need to
> decide which you want to use.  Personally, I prefer xscreensavers slide show
> over the alternative that is in gnome-screensaver.

Of course there is no technical need for a 'screen saver' with flat
panel displays.  On CRT displays the idea was to stop a fixed image
being burnt into the phosphor.  With flat panel displays this is not
an issue.  With these displays it is the backlight that wears out so
the most important point is to extend the life of the light, this is
best achieved by suspending the display when it is not in use rather
than running a screen saver.


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