I've Done A Really Bad Thing

Paul Smith paul at mad-scientist.net
Thu May 23 00:38:45 UTC 2013

On Wed, 2013-05-22 at 19:17 -0500, John Graddy wrote:
> I asked about IPV6 because when I asked about slow wireless
> (admittedly a couple of years ago), I was advised to remove IPV6.
> I apologize for misleading those who replied.  I'm sorry about causing
> people to essentially waste their time.

You're not wrong, so don't feel bad.  Contrary to Liam's comment re "no
possible causal connection", there have been many setups over the years
where DNS does not work properly over IPv6, which leads to a significant
slowdown of the entire network, as name resolution tries to use IPv6 and
eventually times out and falls back to IPv4 DNS servers.  Even today not
all network providers have their act together WRT IPv6.  Disabling IPv6
was the recommended solution for these problems in many instances.

By far the most common reason for a network to feel sluggish with no
discernible cause is DNS resolver issues :-/.

I do agree with Liam, though, that it is always a good idea to describe
the top-level, 60,000 ft. view of your problem up-front in addition to
jumping down into the ditch with the dirty details.  The details don't
help if the problem is something completely different than what you
suspect, which can easily happen.


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