Virtualbox guest additions kill X in Ubuntu (solved)

Liam Proven lproven at
Tue May 21 14:44:14 UTC 2013

On 21 May 2013 09:49, Graham Watkins < at> wrote:
> Good news - I found this set of instructions on the VirtualBox web forum and
> they have fixed the issue.
> I'm still having problems getting Guest Additions to work properly but at
> least I have a GUI now.

The problem with using the Additions package provided by the host
hypervisor is that it is a static, binary package. This means it can't
and won't be upgraded, ever, by system updates.  Therefore, if a
future update to the OS breaks it in some way, you're screwed - just
as you were this time.

In other words, you're treating the symptom and not the disease, and a
relapse is almost inevitable.

The cure is to use the VBox guest additions that are in Ubuntu's
repositories. These will get upgraded along with the rest of the OS.

I wrote about how to do that here:

Liam Proven • Profile:
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