admin/sudo confusion
rikona at
Mon May 13 06:08:51 UTC 2013
Hello Toshi,
Sunday, May 12, 2013, 9:07:06 PM, Toshi wrote:
> On Sun, 2013-05-12 at 21:52 +0300, Catalin Soare wrote:
>> ... I have no idea how group membership takes effect in the *nix
>> world.
> Group is simple with Unix/Linux. Below is my test file under my home
> directory. Group name is currently same as owner name "toshi" but
> they're different. And the file can be r(ead) or w(rite) by owner
> "toshi" and all members of the group "toshi"
> toshi at ubuntu12-10:~$ ls -l test.file
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 toshi toshi 5 May 12 20:56 test.file
> if you want to change it, you can use like:
> toshi at ubuntu12-10:~$ chmod 750 test.file
> toshi at ubuntu12-10:~$ ls -l test.file
> -rwxr-x--- 1 toshi toshi 5 May 12 20:56 test.file
> Now owner can do read or write or (e)x(ecute), but group members can
> only read or execute the file. They can't modify it.
I didn't think to try that, but I assume it would have also given 'no
permission' until the settings worked via the log out/in.
Thanks for the reminder...
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