System time not syncing via internet

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at
Thu May 9 23:00:50 UTC 2013

On Thu, 9 May 2013 09:42:15 +0100
Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:

> Thanks for that, you are right, ntp is not installed.  I am now trying
> to work out why it is not installed even though I have selected
> automatic update from internet, given the fact that it is a standard
> install of 12.04.  I seem to remember that on earlier versions of
> Ubuntu it automatically installed ntp when the option was selected,
> but it does not appear to do that any more.  Is that a bug?  I cannot
> find anything on launchpad.

NTP is not installed by default for quite a long time, I do not
remember anymore how long, if it ever was. I know I opened bug 583994
[1] some time ago. But, while discussing this with some of the
developers, I got no traction and, I guess, gave up. Now I simply make
sure that ntp is always installed on all systems I care for.

This is not as much a bug (as in error) as a change in behaviour: of
old, most home systems were only temporarily connected to the internet,
so ntpdate made sense. Nowadays many (or, being selfish, at least
myself) are continuously connected.

Perhaps it is now time to change it, given the advent of cloud, etc.



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