Path command

Tom H tomh0665 at
Thu May 9 19:31:51 UTC 2013

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 12:45 AM, Ric Moore <wayward4now at> wrote:
> On 05/03/2013 07:40 PM, Tom H wrote:
>> You're using samba4 so scratch the commands that I posted earlier
>> because they're for samba3.
>> For samba4 you normally start/restart with "sudo start samba4"/"sudo
>> restart samba4" but you've enabled root so can run the commands as
>> root without sudo.
> Since it is an entry in /etc/init.d wouldn't the OP start/stop samba with:
> ric at iam:/etc/init.d$ sudo stop smbd
> smbd stop/waiting
> ric at iam:/etc/init.d$ sudo start smbd
> smbd start/running, process 25233
> ric at iam:/etc/init.d$
> That seems to work nicely. I had to install it just to see what the solution
> was. Ric

Except that:

1) the files in "/etc/init.d/" aren't used because samba has native
upstart scripts in "/etc/init/" for a few releases.

2) As I said above, the OP's installed samba4 and not samba.

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