Path command (Solved for now).

Stephen stephen_o at
Sun May 5 04:30:41 UTC 2013

I would like to thank everyone who replied to help me. I am grateful to 
all of you.

I didn't like the Unity interface for Gnome, so I found a link that told 
me how to install Classic Gnome on Ubuntu 12.04. While I was installing 
it there was an error and I told the terminal to ignore it. I won't make 
that mistake again.

I installed my game that wouldn't work under wine before on the Ubuntu 
12.04 and the game ran like a dream, and it was faster than Windoze.

So after I back up all my music and data on the Windows system I am 
going to convert the whole system over to Ubuntu.

I am tired of having to re-install Windoze ever 6 months, because it 
bogs down and gets slower than molasses runs at 0 Celsius.

So thanks again.


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