trubleshooting a laptop

Douglas Pollard dougpol1 at
Wed Mar 27 20:28:24 UTC 2013

On 03/27/2013 04:06 PM, Paul Smith wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-03-27 at 14:52 -0400, Sarunas Burdulis wrote:
> If you want to go this way, make sure she brings her Office
> installation CD or DVD with her as you'll need it to reinstall. She
> won't be able to transfer her Windows installation into Ubuntu (you
> can keep her Windows disk partition, if you are careful and there's
> enough empty space that Ubuntu can fit, so she doesn't have to back up
> and restore her files... although backups are always a good idea
> anyway). I sincerely doubt you'll be able to test all this stuff in a
> Live DVD session, by the way... 
Ok, I have saome ammo now. She will be here Friday night so Saturday
morning I will see what I can do. There is a best buy and when  I find
out how much memory she has and hard drive then I will look to
updating.  I am thinking I will install Ubuntu on a partition if her
drive is large enough and try to get her started on that. She has been
listening to windows users so I may have an uphill fight??  I think she
told me the shop who worked on her computer did not give her a Windows
CD.  Maybe I can burn a restore cd from her installation. It's been a
long time since I have used Windows so I will have to look into all 
that.  Thanks for the help as I feel I now have something to work
with.            Doug        

                 Doug Pollard, 
      Sailor, Machinst, writer,artist 
                Visit me at:

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