live CD

Thufir Hawat hawat.thufir at
Wed Mar 27 11:56:27 UTC 2013

A friend has a Windows OS virus, so I'm going to try and back up his 
data.  I was looking at:

To create a LiveCd

    Download Ubuntu. For a live CD, avoid the "alternate CD" & the Server 
Edition because it has no desktop. For installing, using the alternate CD 
is a good idea, if installing using the standard CD does not work.

Basically any sort of Ubuntu will work?


I have a 2GB thumb drive, and it says:

"To run Ubuntu from a USB stick, the first thing you need to do is insert 
a USB stick with at least 2GB of free space into your PC."

I have a 2GB thumb drive.  Will that work?

The days of knoppix are over, or lessened?  This is better?



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