fetchmail size limits?

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Tue Mar 19 17:43:09 UTC 2013

On Tuesday 19 March 2013 13:16:16 R Kimber did opine:

> On Tue, 19 Mar 2013 09:29:37 -0400
> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > That is a very old version of fetchmail, 6.3.25 might fix it.  I've
> > been building fetchmail from srcs for yonks.  The distro's in general
> > don't seem to have a quarter to call some who cares whether it is
> > uptodate or not...
> > 
> > I just put in 6.3.25 built from src, no errors, works fine.
> Thanks. Actually that wasn't the solution, but it's nice to have the
> up-to-date version.
> - Richard.

My point, which I didn't cover worth a toot, was that there have been, 
since 6.3.21, at least 2 /major/ security problems fixed, along with a 
dozen or so fine tunings.  I just had a session with gmail, where gmail 
denied me access, saying my machine was hacked, and that I should re-
install.  So I went through the BS of running all our root kit finders and 
came up blank, so I decided to wait them out after subscribing to the 
missing lists via another mail server that is NOT selling any data about my 
traffic.  But I kept mailfilter and fetchmail checking the door locks at 
gmail just in case somebody figured it out.

Took 3 weeks, and a long rant about gmail's stupidity on ./ to finally get 
someones attention that there were unhappy people in the trenches, it 
worked for about an hour, 2 hours after that post & died again till the 
next day.  That was long enough to suck what was sitting there dry, and to 
get unsubbed from the lists I moved.

I think there is still one, very low traffic list I need to move, but 
haven't succeeded in identifying it yet.

The hour it came back, I pulled around 1700 messages in about 35 minutes, 
slow on this end because everything incoming goes through both clamscan AND 
if under 5 megs, spamassassin.

IMO one needs to be pro-active on the stuff you use like the oxygen in the 
air.  Subbing to the fetchmail list is one such early warning system I use, 
particularly when there are probably 100 "home" fetchmail users for every 
"home" apache user, but let apache get a fart stuck cross ways and the fix 
is out and in the repos in a couple days, I installed the latest fixes 
sometime in the night last night because I do use apache here (the web page 
in my sig /is/ this machine), while equally serious holes in fetchmail are 

Someones priorities are inverted IMO.  And thats my 2 cents, in 1934 

Cheers, Gene
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