firewall question

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Sun Mar 10 12:28:01 UTC 2013

On Sa, 2013-03-09 at 17:53 -0800, Gerhard Magnus wrote:
> I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 after switching from Fedora and am confused by 
> the way Ubuntu handles its firewall. For example, ssh worked fine 
> without my having to open port 22, which I had to do explicitly with 
> Fedora in terms of allowing ssh as a trusted service.
> For Ubuntu, how can I determine which services are trusted by default? 
> Is a service immediately trusted when it's installed and its ports open 
> whenever it's started -- all in a way that's "transparent to the user"?
> Also, could some one direct me to a link that explains the basics of 
> Ubuntu's firewall policies?
instead of shipping an enabled firewall by default, ubuntu has a policy
of "no open ports by default" which means that there is no daemon
installed that could listen on any port by default. i.e. to have
something listening on port 22 you will explicitly need to install
openssh-server, in which case you clearly wanted to have something
running that listens on that port :)

like others already stated, ubuntu ships with a firewall in the form of
"ufw" which you can enable if you feel a need for it ...

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