Dual Display problems in 12.10 and Raring

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Fri Mar 8 09:04:17 UTC 2013

Hi Jim

On 8 March 2013 02:01, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at comcast.net> wrote:
> On 03/07/2013 03:41 PM, Colin Law wrote:
>> On 7 March 2013 21:30, Ric Moore <wayward4now at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 03/07/2013 03:53 PM, Colin Law wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>> I don't understand, though, what that has got to do with the problem
>>>> that Unity will not let me position files or folders on the desktop to
>>>> the left of the launcher, or clicking the launcher for an app with
>>>> multiple windows puts the focus on the wrong window.
>>> Change the definition of screen0?? Hey, trouble shooting with a shotgun
>>> here. Otherwise I have no clue. It just "seems" to make sense. I didn't
>>> see
>>> much traffic on your thread, so I figured to give it a whirl. But, you do
>>> see that xrandr is in charge now of your twin displays and you might be
>>> able
>>> to kick it around some.
>> The basic screen operation is fine, windows can be positioned on
>> either screen, mouse works fine and so on.  The only problem is that
>> if I drag a file onto the desktop on the LH screen it  bounces across
>> onto the other one (if I have the Unity launcher on the RH screen).  I
>> am sure it is a Unity problem.
>> Colin
> Colin,
> This is not going to help you much because I am running 12.04 but I am
> seeing something somewhat similar.  I am using the compiz utility to
> position windows a predetermined locations on my two screens.  Has been
> working well with most programs.  The ones with the most problems seem to be
> jEdit and LibreOffice Calc.
> jEdit always seems to position itself about a half inch below the top bar no
> matter what I have it's position set at.  Calc seems to be behaving like you
> describe.   It will open where I have it set at but then jump to what I
> guess it thinks it's default position is.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I think that is a different problem.  I
have no problems with window positioning, it is just files, folders,
shortcuts etc placed on the desktop that cannot be positioned to the
left of the launcher.


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