tomato on router (wireless bridge)

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Thu Mar 7 12:43:22 UTC 2013

On Thursday 07 March 2013 07:40:44 Thufir Hawat did opine:

> On Thu, 07 Mar 2013 12:27:22 +0000, Thufir Hawat wrote:
> > Is this possible with this model router?  Google seems to be saying
> > "no"..
> Well, a similar model shows on this list:
> however, it looks like I have v2 and they say v1.  At least it's a
> starting point.
> -Thufir

The nominally $70 Buffalo NetFinity comes with a broken dd-wrt, but 
reflashing it with the real dd-wrt fixes it.  I recommend it 

Cheers, Gene
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