Ubuntu 13.04

Gary Kirkpatrick garyartista at gmail.com
Sat Jun 22 11:19:55 UTC 2013

On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 7:07 AM, Roger <arelem at bigpond.com> wrote:

> Hello all
> Well after reading all the hype and bad press surrounding the latest
> Raring Ringtail I upgraded 12.10 and am soooo glad I did.
> 12.10 was crap, slow, shut down frequently, messy, and so on.
> I would not recommend using the GUI update system because it failed 3
> times.
> 13.04 installed from the terminal without a hitch, clean neat efficient. 2
> and a half hours later I have a lightening fast, clean, perfect install
> I will run further updates and test it hard.
> It needs to run Drupal 7 and 8, Inkscape, Gimp,  Rails 4 and ruby 2 and
> the usual Geany, Audacity, program editors and office stuff.
> Thank yo to the Ubuntu Team for an excellent piece of work.
> Regards
> Roger

I am running both 12.04 and 13.04, both are super.  The former is running
on a mini Asus system with Cedarview drivers, which are not supported, but
still works well.  13.04 is on a 3 yr old HP laptop and is clean and
crisp.  13.04 will run on the Asus but very slow. Lubuntu runs like a charm
on it.  I installed 13.04 on my wife's touch screen and it works very
well,aside perhaps from a few touch screen issues such as windows
decorations that are too small and placed too close to the launcher.  Of
course there is a variety of experiences such as yours, Roger.  We've heard
a bit of grief about Windows 8.

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