Audio-CD not mountable

Joep L. Blom jlblom at
Sat Jun 22 07:25:46 UTC 2013

On 21/06/13 23:48, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 21 June 2013 17:42:17 Joep L. Blom did opine:
> Audio CD's were devised a decade or more before anyone thought of actually
> putting a filesystem on them and using them for data.  So the only thing
> you can do with an audio cd is play it serially from the beginning, IF your
> drive can do that.
> So all you can do is play them, and I prefer to rip them with Grip so they
> can be played out of the order on the disk.
> I have also heard rumors that the **AA's have struck again, and the ability
> to play an audio cd has been removed from drives intended for use in a
> computer.  You may actually have one of them.
> What I think of that idea isn't fit to be published.
> Cheers, Gene
Gene, Basil & Pablo,
Thanks for your replies but I think it is simply a peculiar glitch in my 
First, with Ubuntu 10.04 (LTS) I had no problems (same drive same CD!). 
But now all audio programs I tried (audacious, audacity, Rhythmbox, 
Movie Player, Decibel Audio Player) all said Audio Disk not mountable.
Now I found Banshee, that I apparently had obtained some time ago. I 
started it and it said there was an audio CD. I clicked on it and 
suddenly it came to live and it read all the tracks and stored them in 
.ogg format which I could copy to a normal directory. I don't know if I 
can write .ogg files to an audio disk but I think it's not so difficult 
to convert it to .wav with e.g. audacity
But who can explain in what Banshee differs from the other programs?

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