Laser printer use question

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Sat Jun 15 08:04:29 UTC 2013

On Saturday 15 June 2013 03:58:09 Ric Moore did opine:

> Ah, I had a 43 with a keyboard, like this:
> BTW, my NEC 5520 Spinwriter, with keyboard also. hammered away at 55
> cps! I wish I still had it! The type was beautiful and it would hammer
> through 7 carbon copies. Ric

That technically wasn't a daisy wheel, but it certainly was a legendary 
printer in its time, one that I never had a chance to grab, on a flea 
market budget.  I got that 1650ro for 25 bucks at a hamfest, the used to be 
annual event at Jacksons Mill, about 5 miles up the road from me. 1987 

Cheers, Gene
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