use of rsync

Hal Burgiss hal at
Fri Jun 7 01:44:04 UTC 2013

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 4:38 PM, R Kimber <richardkimber at>wrote:

> I'm proposing to use rsync to make a mirror of disk1 on disk2. These are
> large files. However, sometimes the only changes I make on disk1 are to
> edit
> the name of the file.  Is there any way to mirror the change of filename
> without having the equivalent file on disk2 deleted and the entire file
> with the new filename copied across?
I feel pretty sure it would work as you want. With the caveat that if the
change meant a different directory that might screw with things. I use
rsync quite a bit, but mostly with smaller files and not so much your
situation. You could always take a big chunky file and rig a test to see
for sure.
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