12.04 Keybindings

Hal Burgiss hal at burgiss.net
Thu Jul 18 14:55:34 UTC 2013

On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Colin Law <clanlaw at googlemail.com> wrote:

> On 17 July 2013 22:08, Hal Burgiss <hal at burgiss.net> wrote:
> > Keyboard problems ... .I recently upgraded to 12.04LTS, now using Gnome
> > classic.  I apparently lost most of anything like keyboard shortcuts.
> > Alt-Tab for instance does nothing. And strangely anything using Ctl + Alt
> > causes the focused window to maximize window width, reduce window height
> by
> > about half, and pin the window against the top of the window. Very
> strange.
> >
> > I have tried a bunch of stuff. Holding the Super key down for 2 seconds
> > (some tutorials) shows nothing. dconf-editor shows one keybinding,
> > Super+F10, but it does nothing, if I try it. I can't find any keyboard
> stuff
> > in gnome-tweak-tools at all. gconf-editor > desktop > ghome >
> keybindings is
> > blank. Trying to add something at that point, gives a very confusing
> dialog
> > that looks totally irrelevant for setting something like Alt + Tab.
> Super +
> > w does do what I think its supposed to (the only one I have found so far
> > that does), but I've have yet to see what that is configured.
> >
> > Where to go?
> What happens if you log in as a different user?  Create a test user if
> necessary to try it.  Then you will at least know whether it is a
> system wide problem or something to do with user settings.
> Note, however, that I don't use Gnome Classic so have no idea what key
> combinations are supposed to do in that window manager.  Have you
> tried logging in with Unity to see whether it behaves then.
> Colin
Thanks ... I started out wanting to give Unity go since it seems to be both
the future and controversial. I had too many problems and got to a point
where most of the UI disappeared, to the point of no way to log out. Long
story short, then I went to Gnome classic, which was fine except for the
keyboard short cut issue thing. So your gentle push I went to Gnome3, and
this has both working keyboard shortcuts and a way to customize those. So
all is well. Thanks.

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