Are Enter Keys Coded Differently?

Colin Law clanlaw at
Fri Jul 12 17:21:40 UTC 2013

On 12 July 2013 18:13, Doug <dmcgarrett at> wrote:
> On 07/12/2013 08:16 AM, Graham Todd wrote:
>> X-GPG Key: : 20D1C4702D00C69A
>> Mime-Version: 1.0
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>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>> On Thu, 11 Jul 2013 11:48:29 -0400
>> Doug <dmcgarrett at> wrote:
>>> Amend my previous reply: Running showkey (need root perms) on my kb
>>> gives 96 for the far right enter key and 28 for the normal enter key.
>>> This is on an IBM model M keyboard, which works fine with any American
>>> computer. I don't know what the other layout was for.
>>> Sorry for the misinformation earlier.
>>> --doug
>> Thanks Doug, that was very helpful.
>> First of all, I'm using a Genius keyboard, keymapped to English (GB). I
>> get the same codes as you when pressing the same keys (Normal Entry
>> key=28, Far Right Enter key=96).
>> There are obviously two different codes for some reason, but it still
>> eludes me, as the keys are supposed to be for the same purpose.
>> Patrick Asselman suggested that you should not use a different key for
>> the Enter key when creating passwords.  It came to my notice that there
>> could be a different coding only after creating a couple of passwords.
>> Does it mean that one key should be used in preference when creating
>> passwords; I couldn't find the answer when using the Startpage search
>> engine, but its now useful to have some information! My gut feeling is
>> that it would make the passphrase more secure if you used the Enter key
>> with the 96 coding, but I'm happy to be corrected on that matter.
>> Again, thanks to Patrick and Doug for all their detailed help
>> ++
>> Graham Todd
> You might not want to use the far right enter key as part of a password,
> because in some cases, there IS NO SUCH KEY! My Dell
> laptop has no far-right enter key, and an external keyboard that I
> use with the Dell when I am at home also is a short board with no
> far-right enter either. So there might be some circumstance where you
> would need to use such a keyboard, and not be able to enter the password.

Is it true then that when you create a password, the enter that
terminates it is included in the password?  How would that work if you
later provide it via a GUI, where you do not terminate it with a key,
but by clicking a button?


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