Seeking Help

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Wed Jan 23 06:13:07 UTC 2013

On 23/01/13 01:34, Colin Law wrote:
> On 22 January 2013 14:04, Basil Chupin <blchupin at> wrote:
>> ...
>> As far as I am aware, the only REAL and painless way to install Ubuntu from
>> a DVD is to buy the DVD from a place such as (Ric! Where are
>> you?! Help out here please :-D ) which contains ALL the files on the DVD to
>> install Ubuntu.
>> The DVD you burn from the iso of Ubuntu does not contain all the files, and
>> these files have to be downloaded from the Ubuntu site during installation.
> Sorry Basil but that is rubbish.  The iso image for the desktop
> install includes the vast majority of the files needed for install.  I
> installed on a machine from the iso a few days ago and with an
> internet connection of only 1.5Mbps it only spent about 20 mins, if I
> remember correctly, downloading stuff after doing the file copying
> from the image (I was actually installing from USB stick rather than
> DVD but the image is the same).

Actually talking about a DVD as mentioned by the OP or even yourself is 
a misnomer because Ubuntu 12.10 iso is only 790,646,263 bytes big and, 
of course, won't fit onto a normal CD and has to be, therefore, burned 
onto a 4.7GB DVD. Which is what I had to do and which is what I told 
someone a while ago when he said that he couldn't burn the iso to a CD.

Here is a screenshot of part of the file list of the files for the 12.10 
release of Ubuntu:

When I talk about a DVD I am talking about ~4.3GB of system files which 
fit onto a 4.7GB DVD - so in this discussion there has been a lack of 
definition of terms which has led to confusion and claims of "rubbish".

The "CD/DVD" is a Live version of 12.10 with the ability to also install 

The file which holds the system is called filesystem.squashfs and is 
733.284Kb big - which is why you had to use the internet for 20 minutes 
to download the necessary files.

There is a well known and very well respected member of this mail list 
who has been promoting the idea that people who are having hassles with 
downloading the necessary files using the internet (whether they had 
poor quality connections or even using dial-up) to buy a DVD - I repeat 
DVD - from the site I mentioned because it contained *all* the files 
necessary to install Ubuntu. In writing what I did I was repeating what 
has been written many times before (and you obviously missed reading 
those posts).

Having said this, I can add that everytime I have installed Ubuntu I 
have had to spent zonks of time downloading files during the 
installation - and I am NOT talking here about upgrades. But then, 
perhaps my memory is starting to play up on me.

> This is what I understand.
> And you mention that you have a 10 Mbits/s connection to the 'net - which,
> to me indicates that you have ADSL. Taking into account how far you live
> from your nearest telephone exchange and how congested the phone line is and
> how busy the Ubuntu server is, you will take a heck of a long time to finish
> the installation :-( .
> Most can only dream of a 10Mbps connection.

I have a 24Mbps ADSL2+ connection.

> So what I am saying here is: let the whole thing run until its finished - or
> buy for $US5 the DVD from the URL I just gave you (you do live in the US of
> A? If not then there would be a similar store somewhere in your locale
> [maybe]) and save heaps of download time by installing from this DVD.
> Even if you buy a DVD with everything on it will probably be out of
> date by the time you get it and you will still need to download a fair
> chunk of updates after installing.

Agreed. But have a look at the screenshot I provided above - the iso is 
dated 23 January 2013, ie today my time, so I guess if one is lucky 
enough one can avoid doing this by getting the very latest iso :-) .


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