youtube video download not working

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Tue Jan 22 17:56:54 UTC 2013

2013/1/22 oxy <oxyopes at>:
>> If using the Opera web browser, you can find all the cached files in
>> Opera's cache directory. All you need is to move the file you need and
>> rename it
> I installed opera to test it. It is not really true. The opr000XX.tmp  files
> are'nt video files  :-/

Some of them are, some of them are other types of files. Sort the
folder for file types and scroll down. Look for Flash files. If not
found, scroll further down to mpeg files or something like that.

However, a few days ago I saw a clip that didn't appear in the Opera
cache folder. So I found another way, I don't think you need Opera for
Right click the video, click ”Copy video address” (or something
similar, maybe depends on your web browser).
Now open VLC → click ”Open network stream” → paste to the network URL
field → Select ”Convert” → Enter things like name of the output file
and maybe some more things → click ”Start”.

Johnny Rosenberg

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