ubuntu gui not booting inside vmware 12.04 x86 32 bit

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jan 20 20:51:27 UTC 2013

On 01/19/2013 01:12 PM, Abhishek Dixit wrote:
> I have installed Ubuntu in a Vmware workstation 8, (the machine is not
> VT capable so only 32 bit guest is possible)
> the installation of 12.04 32 bit (x86) went smoothly but at the end X
> server (gui ) did not came up like in normal installs one gets access
> to a Unity or Gnome desktop I do not have that.What should I check I
> tried
> startx :1
> but I get following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1549913
> where as previously I have used 11.10 or 10.04 inside vmware with a
> full fledged desktop with all gui and I did not needed to do any
> startx etc
> in case of 12.04 GUI it is not coming though I get a login shell by
> which on command line I can do all work by an ssh to this virtual
> machine
> but not a gui.What should I check?

Check the vmware log: /host/pathtovmware12.04guestvmx/vmware.log
That's most likely where you will find the error msg(s).

I do not know if WS8 has an 'EASY install' like VMware Player, but if it
does & you installed that way I'd recommend reinstalling manually. (Use
the 'I will install the operating system later' method).

Here is an X.0.log.old file from a working 12.04 VM today - VMWarePlayer
5.0.1 build-894247 Win7 Host, Ubuntu 12.04 Guest, which should be fairly
comparable to WS8.


Note: I powered off to add a new kernel - hence the: "Server terminated
successfully (0). Closing log file."

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