RE: 3T drives showing up as 2.2T

Ryan Gauger rtgkid at
Fri Jan 18 21:56:30 UTC 2013

This may be a hardware issue, not a software issue. Have you used these drives with that computer before? Have you used the drives before, period? If not, then I would say it may be that one of the hard drives has three terabits, but some space on the hard drive is corrupt. If you buy an SD card, this is what happens. If you check the space left on it before adding any files, the space will always be a little bit lower than what is actually on the SD card, but that extra space is unusable, because it is corrupt. Sorry if I did not do a good job of explaining this.


This /may/ be the issue, however; 0.8 terabits should not be missing if this is a new hard drive. That is way too much space gone. I would try those hard drives in different computers, with different operating systems, to see if it is a software or hardware issue. If the same is experienced on all computers you try, this is a hardware issue. If it is only experienced on the computer you described, then it is a software issue. Hope this helps!

Sent from Windows Mail

From: Alan McKay
Sent: ‎January‎ ‎18‎, ‎2013 ‎1‎:‎52‎ ‎PM
To: Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions
Subject: 3T drives showing up as 2.2T

OK, I kind of feared this might happen.   I've got an old Sun J4400 24
disk array filled with 1T drives.  I want to expand space by replacing
1T with 3T but the 3T drives are only showing up as 2.2 (2T even when
formatted ext4).

What are the possible variables here?

I'm running Ubuntu 12.10 (latest) server on an older 64 bit Sunfire
X2100M2 and a LSI JBOD card 3801E, and of course the aforementioned

Where is the most likely culprit?

Any way to get the 3T to show up?

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