Download files not named correctly

Colin Law clanlaw at
Fri Jan 18 09:23:27 UTC 2013

On 17 January 2013 23:11, Rocky1937 <rocky1937 at> wrote:
> On Thu, 2013-01-17 at 21:34 +0000, Colin Law wrote:
> On 17 January 2013 21:30, Rocky1937 <rocky1937 at> wrote:
>> I am using ubuntu 12.04 and have the latest Firefox 18.0 with all current
>> updates.
>> I have been downloading files for years here with no problem.  A couple of
>> weeks ago I starting having problems with the  chapter names being named
>> after the story name  ' Operation_Hammerhead.htm'  --  rather than the
>> normal 'operation_hammerhead_02.htm'  --    I have tried other stories and
>> some other sites, all have this problem.
> Can you explain exactly how you are doing the download?
> ...
> From the "chapter page" right click on the chapter text and click "save as"
> should automatically save the chapter with the current chapter number, such
> as --  'story name_12.htm" (or whatever that chapter number happens to  be)
> -- that isn't happening.  It wants to save it as 'story name.htm'.  The
> stories and chapters are setup on the sites to make this happen
> automatically.  Ubunta/firefox about 2 weeks ago stopped that from
> happening.  I would guess that it was broken during an update of either
> ubuntu or firefox.

I have no idea what you mean by "chapter page" and when I right click
in Firefox I don't see Save As, though there is a Save Page As, is
that what you mean?  If so then that is not what one would normally
mean by downloading files but is saving web pages.  Please clarify.


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