Bash: for…in-loop fails, what am I doing wrong?

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Thu Jan 10 19:02:31 UTC 2013

Obviously I'm still a beginner at this. Here's a one-liner that
demonstrates my problem:

for File in "$(find ${PWD} -regextype posix-extended -regex
'.*/P[A-Z0-9][0-9]{6}\.(jpg|JPG|jpeg)')"; do FileDate=$(date
--reference="${File}" '+%Y%m'); done

In a script, (easier to read…):
for File in "$(find ${PWD} -regextype posix-extended -regex
    FileDate=$(date --reference="${File}" '+%Y%m')
    # More things to happen here, but this is only a test.

The regex works, and it finds files with names starting with P, then
[A-Z0-9], then 6 numbers followed by .jpeg or .JPG or .jpg. Example:
It finds them, that's not the problem.

So what's the problem?
Here's a faked output (the original output is too long):

~$ for File in "$(find ${PWD} -regextype posix-extended -regex
'.*/P[A-Z0-9][0-9]{6}\.(jpg|JPG|jpeg)')"; do FileDate=`date
--reference="${File}" '+%Y%m'`; echo "${FileDate}"; done
date: /some/path/P1010077.jpeg
/yet/another/path/P0000729.jpeg: File or directory does not exist


Maybe I totally misunderstood the for loop thing, but it seems like
the date command is performed once for all paths at once, which is not
what I want. I thought of it as an ordinary for loop in C, for
instance, executing the date line once for each path name.

What am I missing here? I'm probably just stupid, so I hope for your patience…

Of course I have checked that those files exists; they are found by
the find command, so they MUST exist, right?

Johnny Rosenberg

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