12.10 no menus etc

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jan 2 17:45:33 UTC 2013

>>> Others have said it "may" be my graphic chipset (nVidia gForce4 MX440) 

After what seems like forever and much googling of Ubuntu stuff, there are 
many (possible) solutions for "Recent" nVidia cards, one even got me the 
Right Click & the Install Icon (but made my 1920x1200 desktop PC think it was 

a 800x600 Laptop) but not much for older cards, which have worked up until 

So I have downloaded the driver from nVidia.com/Unix in a .run file, at first 

it would not install because :-

an X-Server was running ("sudo service lightdm stop" fixed that)


Nauveau was running, so far no joy stopping that

anyone actually fixed this without scrapping the whole thing and going back 
to 12.04

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