Core temp.

Ross Schoenauer ross_s at
Wed Jan 2 17:01:26 UTC 2013

On 01/02/2013 08:07 AM, compdoc wrote:
> >Fan speed 1800+
> That's not fast enough. You'll want 3000 to 4000 rpm. To keep noise 
> down, using the 4-wire fans that support variable speeds can help if 
> your motherboard supports that option. It will have a 4 pin connector 
> for the cpu fan if it does.
> Its possible you already have that option in the bios and its set too 
> low. There are settings for target temperature and fan speed when it 
> reaches that temp.
> Since the fan is running so slowly, I'm betting you don't need to 
> replace the thermal grease...

> Thanks I will order a new fan. I will let you know how this works 
> when I get installed.  Funny I have had this computer for several 
> years with no alterations.  I just lately installed temp. readout 
> software so did not notice broblem earler.  Befor I was dumb and 
> happy. Go figure.
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