SSD migration boot option problem

Avi Greenbury lists at
Mon Feb 25 23:40:58 UTC 2013

lazer100 wrote:
> >Actually I think, Ubuntu tries to become more like MacOS than Windows. 
> >Perhaps you should have a look at the other Ubuntu flavours: Kubuntu, 
> >Lubuntu, Xubuntu.
> what is the idea of these versus the standard Ubuntu?

They ship with KDE, LXDE and XFCE as their window managers, rather
than the Unity that standard Ubuntu ships with.

> >However grub knows how to boot Linux from any logical partition, not 
> >only from a primary partition. In the past I had a machine with only 
> >logical partitions for several Linux versions and it worked with the old 
> >grub version.
> but what is the earliest Ubuntu you could instal to a logical partition?

6.06, the first Ubuntu.

> >Well, first you can install Linux into logical partitions (see above). 
> >Second, a swap partition is not vital, if you have a lot of RAM. The 
> >installer may complain but if you tell it not to create a swap 
> >partition, the it will happily continue without one.
> I didnt know you could opt out of the swap partition,
> currently I have 4G of ram, 

It would rather you didn't, but there's no need for one. I generally
don't create a swap partition and use a swap file instead, but only
because I like having a neat partition table :)

> the other thing I thought was if I install a current version of Ubuntu
> to say a logical partition, would that create boot options for
> the earlier Ubuntu and logical partition XP?

It should; grub is very good at finding other Linuxen, and I've only
seen it bemused by Windows occasionally.


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