rdiff-backup is it best openSource continous backup solution?

compdoc compdoc at hotrodpc.com
Wed Feb 20 21:35:05 UTC 2013

> kindly suggest the best option out there. command line is fine.


One I like is bacula. However, it has a learning curve and requires lots of
studying and testing to get configured for your systems.


It has several components and each package can run on the same computer, or
they can run on separate computers on your network. The main controlling
package is called a Director, which is doing the backups and running the
schedules. It uses mysql or other popular database packages to store backup
information.  My Director runs in a virtual machine. 


Then there's the SD package, which provides local or network storage for
your backups. And then there's the FD package which runs on the client.
There are clients for linux and windows. 


You aren't limited to one Director, and there can be as many SD's and FD's
as you like. 


There are utilities included like bconsole (command line) and bat (GUI),
which allow you to control the Director from any client. 


It's actively developed, and it has a large following. Support is provided
on IRC, and through a mailing list. There is also commercial support. 



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