rdiff-backup is it best openSource continous backup solution?

Rajeev Prasad rp.neuli at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 20 20:08:42 UTC 2013


need words of wisdom adn experiecne on backup solution for my ub server 1204 LTS

a quick seacrh produced many results and this continous backup solution(rdiff-backup).

is rdiff-backup currently managed?

need something which:

1. actively managed/devloped. (dont want to commit to dead end/dead/dying software)

2. does continous backups.
3. backup atleast last 3 versions of a file/folder.
4. backup to network drive.
5. backup other connected PCs, Macs and Unix hosts.
6. backup my complete LAMP ubuntu server with other modules/apps installed. (so that with one restore operation I can get my crashed server back up to a working status).

kindly suggest the best option out there. command line is fine.

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