Lock Screen Server 12.10

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Wed Feb 6 14:59:37 UTC 2013

Am Mittwoch, den 06.02.2013, 13:40 +0000 schrieb Colin Law:
> On 6 February 2013 13:28, Oliver Grawert <ogra at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> sudo uses user's profile and root's previledge.
> gksu uses root's profile and root's previledge.

gksu is just a frontend to sudo/su (depending on the mode ... in ubuntu
the default is to always attach to sudo indeed). it does not hand any
option to the sudo call so it is the same as plainly running sudo ...

... not sure who came up with the above, if you want to be sure to not
taint the users setup you should simply use sudo -i

> Some applications works fine, but some applications will *only* work
> when your profile is root's profile. Especially, some gui-applications
> need root's profile. And it is always much safer to use root's profile
> when running root gui applications. (in order not to damage your users
> profile environment)
> gksu is not meant to run gui or cli applications, it is meant to use
> the root profile, when you wan to use root profile you use gksu
> instead of sudo, if your user profile is the same as your root profile
> you will not notice much differences.

feel free to inspect the libgksu code, it should not do anything beyond
executing sudo with the system defaults ...

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