What happened to grub2?

Rashkae ubuntu at tigershaunt.com
Tue Feb 5 20:15:00 UTC 2013

On 02/05/2013 10:56 AM, Adam Wolfe wrote:
> Why were all the grub entries made to mount / as read-only?

Because they are supposed to be.  Filesystems are remounted RW when the 
boot process reaches /etc/fstab

> Why do most of these options attempt and fsck (and seem to fail) before
> doing anything else?

If this problem was not introduced when you changed the boot entries to 
rw, then you need to specify more information.  Something has gone very 

> Why does it not boot the default selection on reboot after having chosen
> recovery at the previous boot?

Examine your /etc/defaults/grub file,  Look for
GRUB_DEFAULT  If it is =save then change to =0



run update-grub

> I've been able to over-write (albeit perhaps only until the next upgrade
> of grub) the read-only issue by editing /etc/grub.d/10_linux.

Don't do that.

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