[SOLVED] ddclient

Phil Dobbin bukowskiscat at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 08:04:14 UTC 2013

On 02/01/2013 06:38 AM, NoOp wrote:
> On 01/31/2013 12:13 PM, Phil Dobbin wrote:
>> On 01/31/2013 05:09 PM, NoOp wrote:
>>> On 01/31/2013 03:55 AM, Phil Dobbin wrote:
>>> ...
>>>> Hi, JD.
>>>> I'm extremely grateful. That works like a charm.
>>> I highly recommend using ssl.
>>> My ddclient.conf:
>>> # Configuration file for ddclient generated by debconf
>>> #
>>> # /etc/ddclient.conf
>>> daemon=3600 <== =========== I don't find it necessary to update so often
>>> pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid
>>> ssl=yes <======================== add this line
>>> use=web, web=checkip.dyndns.com/, web-skip='IP Address'
>>> protocol=dyndns2
>>> server=members.dyndns.org
>>> login=myusername
>>> password='mypassword'
>>> my.domain.name
>>> http://dyn.com/support/clients/linux/ddclient/
>>> [Secure Updates
>>> Since 3.7.0, ddclient support ssl updates. To use ssl, put “ssl=yes” in
>>> your configuration and make sure you have IO::Socket::SSL.]
>>> Note: you can also use the online config tool:
>>> https://account.dyn.com/tools/clientconfig.html
>>> and see:
>>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS
>> Thanks for those.
> My primary suggestion was/is to use ssl.

Apologies for that. My server doesn't use SSL.

>> I'm using Zone Edit however so dyn.com is different/not relevant & in
> You stated that JD's config resolved your issue. His config was
> "server=dyn.com" with no mention whatsoever of ZoneEdit. ZE uses
> www.zoneedit.com according to
> <http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/ddclient/wiki/Protocols#zoneedit1> -
> so if you 'fixed' a ZE ddclient config you should have said so instead
> of "I'm extremely grateful. That works like a charm." So which is it?

If you look back further in the thread to my original message, you'll
see my config file shows I was using Zone Edit. Copying JD's
ddclient.conf & replacing 'server=dyn.com' with Zone Edit's server is
what I did (plus passwords, etc)

>> the Ubuntu community doc above there are several mistakes (as an
>> example: they quote `password='myDynDNSuserpassword'` in their config
>> file. If you enclose your password in single quotes, you'll get an
>> authentication error).
> Actually you won't... see my config file sample.
> <quote>
> password='mypassword'
> <quote>
> Note the single quotes... I've been using ddclient for years and it
> *does* work. The page states:
> password='myDynDNSuserpassword'
> Note that the password must be enclosed in quotation marks, e.g
> 'myDynDNSuserpassword' for DynDNS.

However, if you set the password the same for Zone Edit, it'll fail with
an authentication error. You must remove the quotes to enable it to work.

> It's a dyndns config example, and it is correct. I provided the links
> based on your statement that JD's dyndns configuration works for you.
> Perhaps you shouldn't be so 'certain' before claiming that the page has
> errors.

Granted. My mistake.

It seems the majority of sample config files are for DynDNS & maybe a
more generic sample would be useful.

If you study the ddclient wiki page at sourceforge, the examples of all
the protocols for connecting to different services show no passwords
enclosed in quotes, single or otherwise.

As I said, confusing.



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