Re: Sessions – what am I missing?

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sat Dec 28 22:11:53 UTC 2013

On 28 December 2013 22:08, Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at> wrote:
> 2013/12/28 Colin Law <clanlaw at>
>> On 28 December 2013 20:13, Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at>
>> wrote:
>> > So the answer to my question is that the session thing that worked so
>> > great
>> > in earlier Ubuntu versions now is removed? That sucks so badly. Is there
>> > going to be ANYTHING left in a few years? :(
>> Never having used sessions can you explain what they did for you that
>> you cannot do now?
> It was a long time ago, I don't remember exactly how it worked. I didn't use
> it much, I was just going to explore it now, but I couldn't find out how, so
> I wrote this thread…
> There is probably nothing that I can't do in other ways, but that's also
> true for most things I do. I can write letters in Nano, so I don't need
> Apache OpenOffice Writer, I am pretty good at mental calculation, so I
> probably don't need Apache OpenOffice Calc either, I have pens and papers so
> I probably don't need Gimp, Incscape or anything like that, and so on, blah
> blah blah.
> Still, sometimes I want more than one way to do things. Maybe I'm the only
> one.

I think that for that to be a valid argument you do at least need to
remember what it is that you want to do in more than one way :)


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