
Kaj Haulrich kaj.haulrich at
Mon Dec 23 18:53:01 UTC 2013

On 12/23/2013 03:56 PM, Colin Law wrote:
> On 23 December 2013 14:22, Paul Cartwright <pbcartwright at> wrote:
>> On 12/22/2013 04:53 PM, Doug wrote:
>> Doug & Colin,
>>> Epson Perfection V300 Photo does slides. There are Epson drivers for
>>> all their products at their website, both rpm and deb--also source.
>> my old one was an Epson Perfection, and it died.. I think I will try
>> something other than Epson this time..
> I don't think there are many to choose from if you want slides.  In a
> year or two it may be impossible.  I got one to use to scan all my
> slides while I could still get one.

Rather than using a flatbed scanner with film scanning capabilities - 
like Epson Perfection Photo - I prefer to use a dedicated film & dias 
scanner. In fact, even a cheap one produces far better results and is 
*much* faster (it doesn't *scan* the negatives, but takes a 
high-resolution snapshot of the frames, which can then be copied to a 
computer via USB - no software needed).

This one will set you back like $100:

Merry Christmas, y'all
Kaj Haulrich.
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