having a problem with postgresql removing or installing.

zgiltd zgiltd at gmail.com
Sat Dec 14 07:10:34 UTC 2013


thanks for ur mail as my problem is solved already.


On 14/12/2013, Sandro CAZZANIGA <cazzaniga.sandro at gmail.com> wrote:
> Le 13/12/2013 14:26, jonathan candler a écrit :
>> 2013-12-13 05:53:29 MST FATAL:  private key file "server.key" has group
>> or world access
>> 2013-12-13 05:53:29 MST DETAIL:  File must be owned by the database user
>> or root, must have no write permission for "group", and must have no
>> permissions for "other".
> I think you can correct these errors first :
> 2013-12-13 05:53:29 MST FATAL:  private key file "server.key" has group
> or world access
> 2013-12-13 05:53:29 MST DETAIL:  File must be owned by the database user
> or root, must have no write permission for "group", and must have no
> permissions for "other".
> then do :
> # dpkg --configure -a
> Cheers
> --
> Sandro Cazzaniga
> Site web: http://sandrocazzaniga.fr
> Jabber:   kharec at jabber.fr
> Twitter:  @Kharec
> GitHub:   http://github.com/Kharec
> CPAN:     https://metacpan.org/author/KHAREC
> IRC:      Kharec

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