Help! Timeshift ate my Root (/) partition's free space!

Amichai Rotman amichai at
Wed Dec 11 19:29:11 UTC 2013


I installed Timeshift and run it on my Ubuntu 12.04.

I chose the Root (/) partition because it said it's the one with the most
free space available...

On the bottom of the window it said the first snapshot needs 8.4 GB and I
had 34% out of 28GB free, so I went and hit the button to create the first

After a few minutes a window showed up saying the is only 1GB free on the
root device and shortly after I got an error on the Timeshift window saying
there is no space left on the device (100%)

I found the /timeshift folder holding a hierarchy of my files.

The main Timeshift window has no snapshots to delete, so I want to delete
the contents of the /timeshift/snapshots/.sync/ folder, but I am not sure
if it's a copy or a hard link - thus deleting it will delete the actual
system (i.e.: /bin, /boot, etc.)

Anyway I can make sure it's not a hard link?

ls -l shows no symlinks (highlighted file names).

Please help!

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