Computer is slowing down

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Sat Dec 7 11:50:51 UTC 2013

On Saturday 07 December 2013 06:49:51 John R. Sowden did opine:

> On 12/04/2013 01:54 AM, John R. Sowden wrote:
> > I have been using the same computer (Pentium 4 3.0GHz 1GB RAM (shared
> > 875 MB for non-video use) 1.5GB swap, 13.10 xubuntu/xfce desktop) for
> > several years, and its been working fine.  Click on an icon, the
> > program executes right away, etc.
> > 
> > In the last year, the system seems to have been slowing down.  It
> > takes 2-3 seconds from a click on an icon until the program starts to
> > execute (not up and running).  I am wondering if xubuntu is getting
> > bigger and bigger, taking more ram (I assume that is the issue)
> > without letting us know that requirements are changing.  I also am
> > wondering if more non-essential programs are being added to the
> > install that are running in ram, that are not necessarily needed.
> > 
> > Any thoughts?
> > 
> > John
> Ok, lots of ideas, so after some checking, here goes:
> question re: root dir: 19 directories, no files, 5 links to init.rd,
> vmlinuz, vmlinuz.old, libnss.  these seem current
> (latest version).
> have I run top? no (thought that was sys monitor in console mode): 179
> tasks running, most sleeping, 896MB ram, 179MB free.
> which cpu: 32 bit pent 4
> run "df -h": sda7 (mounted at root) 94% used 1.2GB free

This is bad, what partition is it, as in mount point?

> could not find how to read SMART data (looked in gparted-no)
> System Monitor: (with firefox running and thunderbird running)
> cpu1 5%, cpu2 11% memory 55% flat line (no change), swap: 6% flat
> line-no change
> processed: running evolution (isn't that a mail program?-I don't use
> it). why is 'pulse audio "h=very high priority?  all processes show 0%
> cpu (doesn't seem right)
> ---------------------
> what I am questioning is: what's changed.  My use hasn't, so all I can
> think of of code bloat, uh, I mean program upgrades.  Does ubuntu let us
> know about additional ram requirements with new versions or other
> upgrades?
> I think that is about it.  Thanks for all the input.
> John

Cheers, Gene
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