old fetchmail

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Aug 31 15:17:14 UTC 2013

On Saturday 31 August 2013 10:45:22 Jonesy did opine:

> On Fri, 30 Aug 2013 12:17:51 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > So where does one go about asking for support for fetchmail these
> > days?
> Right here on Gmane?
> 	gmane.mail.fetchmail.user
> I also read comp.mail.misc,
> using a filter of "fetchmail" in the Subject:
> Yes, it's usually quite.
> There are release announcements,
> and the infrequent query from someone that didn't RTFM.
>   $ fetchmail -V
>   This is fetchmail release 6.3.26+RPA+SDPS+SSL+OPIE+NLS

I didn't see that one in a google response, so I subscribed at Berlioz.de, 
which seems to be the fetchmail home page.

I did finally get a couple of responses, and it was suggested by one party 
that I try getmail4.  It looks as if it should be able to do the job too, 
but man pages (RTSFUM, adding Single and Up) are drivel until you go online 
to the getmail site.  There they are excellent, but printing them would 
take 150+ dbl-sided pages because there are so many links that go to the 
real meat of the matter.

What we need in those cases, is a FF addon print page utility that 
interrupts the stream to the printer when it finds a link, shows the user 
the link's contents along with a "print this one?" inline requester.  Or do 
we, and I just don't know about it?  In the linux world, itches like that 
do occasionally get scratched.

But, beggars like me would ride fine horses too, if they were free. :) Too 
bad we don't have an ARexx interpreter. I wrote a script 20 years ago that 
with another 20 lines of code, could have done that.  But regina/rexx is 
not even enough of a subset of ARexx to earn the title name containing 
Rexx.  Regina/Rexx is totally isolated from the system its running on, but 
ARexx had access to every system call amigaos had. Nice, and productive 
too. But today, that's just spilt milk.

>  -- for over a decade here
>   --  first on linux and now on my FreeBSD VPS.
> Jonesy

Cheers, Gene
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