disk not mounted message

thufir hawat.thufir at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 13:35:55 UTC 2013

On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 07:57:57 +0100, Colin Law wrote:

>> I think this is the problem:
>> http://askubuntu.com/questions/120/
>> It went by so quickly, I don't really care whether that comes up all
>> the time or never again.  I'm only concerned in so far as it relates to
>> hardware.  It doesn't seem to indicate a disc problem, does it?
> Do you mean that it asks the question but does not wait for a reply? If
> possible it is important to know which mount is causing the problem.
> Colin

Yes, it asked which I wanted to do, S for skip or M for Mount (I think), 
but then it kept booting and resolved on its own accord.  So I don't know 
what it was referring to, nor why.  Don't know which mount is causing the 
problem -- exactly.  I looked in dmesg, but nothing jumped out at me.


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